Add Pizzazz to your HTML Page

Image Tag

Note: Images are not technically inserted into an HTML page, images are linked to HTML pages. The <img> tag creates a holding space for the referenced image.

Inline Style

Setting the style of an HTML element, can be done with the style attribute. See HTML Style Attribute and/or HTML Color Names for more info.

<tagname style="property:value;"> </tagname>


<p style="background-color:aquamarine;">This paragraph has a background-color of aquamarine.</p>

This paragraph has a background-color of aquamarine.

<p style="color:slateblue;">This sentence has a font color of SlateBlue.</p>

This sentence has a font color of SlateBlue.


This sentence has a font style of cursive."


This sentence has a font style of fantasy."


This sentence has a font style of sans-serif."


This sentence is centered."

Girls Rock:

  1. Have some fun!
  2. Add an image or 2. Be sure to place the image in a paragraph tag.
  3. Add some color!